We are a non-profit 501c(3) educational organization. We are all here at the Everglades Outpost 365 days a year. All the staff are volunteers. They are here for the animals, and because they want to be here. We always welcome volunteers. We are deeply grateful to them.
Volunteer tasks include:
– Welcoming visitors and collecting fees
– Helping with general maintenance and clean-up
– Giving guided tours to visitors
– Assisting with or co-presenting wildlife shows
– Feeding and caring for the animals
We’re looking for a commitment of at least one day per week. We understand that many volunteers are most interested in direct interactions with the animals. While we offer the opportunity to have that experience, our greatest need most of the time is for volunteers who are willing to help with welcoming visitors and giving guided tours. New volunteers typically start with these activities and after a few weeks also receive assignments for feeding and caring of the animals.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us using the form below. We will then, within a week, invite you to a getting-to-know meeting here at the Outpost. If we both want to proceed from there, we will ask you to sign this application and volunteer release form (pdf download). It also contains a page with information about potential hazards associated with animal fieldwork, which you can check out here as well.
As an alternative to or in addition to volunteering, please also consider making a donation.
Thank you again so much for your interest. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.